
You deserve the best.

Franchise Comparison

 PoolBluBrand PPSBrand ABrand PSBrand PW
Franchise Fee$35,000$45,000*$50,000*$35,000*$49,000*
Royalty Fees8%5.50%*8%*8%*10%*
Year-Round Business
Lowest Up-Front Costs
Unique “Pay-as-you-go” mode
Poolblu Professional Services
Fastest Start-up
Pre-Market Development
Targeted Local Marketing
Sales while you train
Instant World Class Quality
800# – Expert staffed Call Center
Quote Generation
Customer Conversion
Dispatching and Scheduling
Payments and Collections
More Sales
Proven Capacity -most $ per tech
e-commerce website – dealer owned
Commercial and Residential
Largest Servivces Offering
Greatest Profits
Proprietary Products and Services
Proven Earnings – $/truck and $/tech
Lowest overhead business model
Fastest Growth
Poolblu Training institute
Proprietary Enterprise Class Software
Grow as Large as you like
Up to 1,000,000 population Territory
Grow as large as you want
Security in Your Future
Registered Trademarks
Franchise Intranet
Owned by Founder/Owner
* The content provided above is for general comparison purposes only. No reference or comparison to any particular franchise opportunity is implied or provided. Any information represented is intended solely as a source of guidance in evaluating pool industry franchise options, does not represent any material not publicly available, and is not a substitute for judicious investigation or professional advice.

Franchise Fee

$ 35,000

Estimated Minimum Initial Investment

$ 61,067

(including franchise fee)

Royalty Fee

8 %

of Gross Sales